• Customer Focused

    Delivering quality products, cost effectively, on time with
    Thoughtful Positive Action

  • Agile

    Responsive to customer requirements
    Rapid new product development

  • Competent

    Deep expertise in all aspects of naval lighting systems, including EMC, ATEX, NVG

  • Innovative

    Constantly seeking better ways to do things

  • Collaborative

    Working with our partners at home and overseas

  • Responsible

    We take our environmental, social and business ethics responsibilities very seriously

Advanced Naval Lighting Equipment and Systems

This is the web site for our naval lighting systems and services. Our Main Site provides details of our NVG lighting and LiFi communications capabilities.

We offer a complete range of LED based lights for every requirement on a naval platform, tried and tested, in service, around the world.

We believe lighting is an essential part of safety, both for ship’s staff and for naval aviation.

Our lights are interchangeable with existing units, and we will support for 20 years.

“It’s not just a light, it allows us to see in the dark, stay safe and complete our mission, and ensures we maintain our operational capability”

Some of our key customers

Environmental, Social and Governance

Read the ESG Statement from our CEO

Our ESG Policy