Safer NVG operations for both aircrew and ship’s staff
Addressing all light sources visible to NVG users
NVG upgrades to legacy lighting equipment
Provision of new dual mode NVG LED luminaires
Full compliance with Def Stan 02-587 Part 3
Over twenty years’ experience world-wide
Consolite has unique experience of modifying warship lighting to be compatible with NVGs. Navies are increasingly recognising the need to convert aviation capable ships, meaning that ship lighting can remain on, for the safety of on-board personnel, and for compliance with regulations, without affecting the ability of aviators to operate safely on NVGs.
Typically all exterior lighting visible from aircraft on final approach has to be modified, and frequently some interior lighting too. Many of the light assemblies operate in extremely harsh environments, with high thermal and mechanical shock and constant exposure to salt atmosphere. Consolite has developed a full range of techniques and materials to cope with this and has successfully designed, developed and implemented full installations on a range of naval platforms including aircraft carriers, frigates, destroyers, support ships and landing craft.
Light types addressed include flight deck floodlights, visual landing aids, deck centre line and edge lights, hangar lighting, signalling lights, instrument lights, fluorescent luminaires and navigation lights.
A particular feature is our ability to generate NVG compatible white light for area illumination. Most competitors use green LEDs for compatibility, but use of compatible white has numerous advantages, for example:
- A pleasanter working environment for ship’s staff
- Ability to distinguish different colours, e.g. for wiring or chart reading
- Low level white (LLW) light can provide the optimal combination of NVG compatibility whilst being as good as red light for dark adaptation
Under contract to UK MoD Consolite drafted the UK Defence Standard for warship NVG lighting, Def Stan 02-587 Part 3. This has fast become the default standard around the world.
Uniquely our range of NVG LED navigation lights are fully compliant both with the Def Stan 02-587 Part 3 for NVG compliance and with the COLREGs for colour and intensity distribution.
Consolite is working with navies and shipbuilders world-wide on both retrofit and new build programmes.